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Cheirolophus burchardii (Canary Island Corn Flower) - A fast growing evergreen medium sized upright shrub that reaches 4 to 6 feet tall by nearly as wide with a dense cover of green 4 to 7 inch long lanceolate and slightly serrated leaves hiding the stems. From midspring to midsummer the showy and lightly fragrant white centered pale lavender cornflower-like flowers rise up above the foliage on branching 1 foot tall stems. Plant in full sun in a moderately well-drained soil and water occasionally to infrequently. Hardy to around 25° F and tolerant of near coastal conditions. This is an attractive and lush drought tolerant plant is a great looking plant in the garden and is attractive to bees and butterflies. 

Cheirolophus burchardii - Canary Island Corn Seeds Flower

SKU: P173SX01
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