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1 Starter Plant of Perennial Everbearing Mulberry

A very rapid growing deciduous small tree, mulberry fruits very early in the spring and is an excellent wildlife food source at a time of year when there is little ripe fruit available. There are three species: Black, White, and the native Red Mulberry. Mulberries are an important early-season source of food for wildlife, deer, and game. Everbearing Mulberry is often smaller with a more bush-like growth habit. Very easy to grow. Cold hardy to USDA zones 7-10. New trees can produce fruit in 2 years depending on care and climate. The success of new trees is heavily dependent on the care received during and after planting.

Starter Plants 4-12" tall, contain roots hand-packed with care. 
Maybe cut back to fit in the shipping box.
Organically grown.

1 Starter Plant of Perennial Everbearing Mulberry

SKU: VP056X01
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