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Gilia seeds are easy to grow and this annual establishes quickly and blooms heavily. Gilia Capitata is robust native to much of California, forming a bushy multi-branching annual to 28 inches tall by 12 inches across with dense, ferny, almost lacy, rich green foliage. In addition to the common name Queen Anne's Thimbles, it is called Globe Gilia and Blue Thimble Flower. Throughout spring and early summer, it bears scented, violet blue rounded flowers that are loved by butterflies, bees, and more! The Gilia flower looks a bit like a pincushion with pins sticking in it. Maybe the appearance inspired the common names. Blue Thimble Flower is very drought tolerant and perfect for roadside plantings, the flower garden, meadows, or containers.

Gilia Capitata Blue Thimble Flower Seeds

SKU: A005SX01

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