Juicing is a heavily debated topic among the health community. Some say it removes the healthy fibers and isn’t good, while many say that it can add to a healthy diet to increase the intake of nutrients from fruits and vegetables.
Sadly, the grocery stores we shop in today are displayed with aisles of junk & fast food - highly processed, high in calories, added sugars, salt, saturated or trans fats, which is everything but nutrients. Yet it is even scarier that some evidence points to these foods as being as addictive as alcohol and drugs. In a way, we are technically being drugged by big food manufacturers.
The Clayton Farm household has been growing and eating organic fruits, veggies, and eggs from our farm for about 15 years; while we rarely get sick, probably because we always consume homegrown plants. Though, I believe that is not enough.
Not until a friend Yustina (we met through Craigslist) came by to purchase our Valencia oranges, she told us about her experience of juicing. She recommended that The Clayton Farm has so many surplus veggies and fruits; instead of feeding these nature's best gifts to the farm animals, why not juice to get all the nutrients you can get. I thought that the remaining pulp still contains substantial nutrients that can still be fed to the animals. She is one of the living proof of juicing and has been doing it for 3 years. She also stated her incurable chronic migraines are long gone with a bonus of her grey hair slowly turning back to blond.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqHRxr4a2-o
Every member of The Clayton Farm family has not had a single flu or cold ever since we started a shot of The Clayton Farm juice, prior to dinner about half a year ago. Usually, colds or cases of flu are terrible for young kids in school. To Mom and Dad, personally, after having the routine homemade juice shot every day, our bodies started to crave for the "powerhouse tequila" when we were out of town. We now pre-squeeze and pack our juice when we are on the go.
Today, we are going to squeeze our surplus garden kale, collards, stone fruits (consist of yellow Shiro plum, dark purple Flavor King Pluot, and white Babcock peach), dark green kale, and purple-green collard fresh from the garden. Cheers, and welcome to The Clayton Farm!